Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bill-inspired True Blood Poetry

Bill-inspired True Blood Poetry
sunlight/bill’s sonnet (in progress)
by Aurora Leigh

What less could one man want but to be human?
No earthly hindrance bars such pure desire
To see and feel and think — existence proven
In harsh sun boiling blood through widening gyre —
Illumination burns that which it feeds,
Itself an end and means proves its own proof
That bakes white bodies black to darken deeds
Which darkness bade do nobly for man’s truth.
A light loves less than both; denies the other
Enlightens naught but desperate misery
Denying selfless love its only lover
Denying all but agency to see
That he whose cursed manhood creeps by moonlight
By sacrificing sun enlightens night.

(November 22, 2008)

Please post your reactions and your own poetic responses to the Bill Compton character and/or True Blood.
Find more of my True Blood poetry at