Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bon Temp Christmas Carols -O Little Town of Bon Temps

O Little Town of Bon Temps (sung to the tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem")

O little town of Bon Temps,
How still the locals lie!
Above their deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets roameth
The supernatural ones;
Their hopes and fears and Sookie's tears
Are ruining Sookie's fun

For Sam is sweet and fawning
Just like a favorite pet,
And Bill is dark and dangerous
As sexy as you get
O both these stars, together
Want Sookie for their own!
And don't forget that Eric yet,
Gets Sookie out on loan.

O little town of Bon Temps
How did you get so weird?
Now you have a maenad, she's scary I have heard.
You have two cops that couldn't find
Their asses with a map
Oh will they get that Lafayette
Has fallen in a trap?

eripmay @http://boards.hbo.com/