Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A cemetery by any other name is still a place where you bury dead people ..

We have at least 3 names for the cemetery that separates the Stackhouse property from the Compton property. (Sookie's house and Bill's house)

In True Blood we know this cemetery as Bon Temps cemetery but in the books we have it called two different names by Charlaine. It's either Sweet Home of Tall Pines ????

Bk 1
I was reviewing the evening as I drove to my grandmother's house, where I lived. It's right before Tall Pines cemetery, which lies off a narrow two-lane parish road. My great-great-great grandfather had started the house, and he'd had ideas about privacy, so to reach it you had to turn off the parish road into the driveway, go through some woods, and then you arrived at the clearing in which the house stood.

Bk 4
The graveyard was somewhat downhill from my house. Bill's house, the Compton house, was quite a bit more uphill from Sweet Home Cemetery. The journey downhill, mild as the slope was, was exhilarating, though I glimpsed two or three parked cars on the narrow blacktop that wound through the graves.