Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dead to the World- review

Speaking of 'Dead to the World' Avidreader reviews it on her blog

Dead to the World is the fourth book in the South­ern Vam­pire mys­tery series set in Bon Temps, Lou­siana and fea­tur­ing Sookie Stack­house. She works as a bar­maid at Merlotte’s and is gifted (or cursed) with telepa­thy. Ever since she hooked up with vam­pire, Bill Comp­ton, life has ceased to be dull.

In Dead to the World, Sookie finds her­self drawn back into the super­nat­ural com­mu­nity when it is revealed that a coven of witches have taken up res­i­dence in Shreve­port. Vam­pire bar owner and entre­pre­neur, Eric Northman seems to be their target. Nego­ti­a­tions between the witches and the vam­pires was a major FAIL, lead­ing the Area Five sher­iff and master vam­pire stripped of his memory. Wanted posters are put up with a $50,000 reward for his capture.

Sookie steps in to pro­vide Eric with a safe place to stay in Bon Temps while his fol­low­ers, namely Chow and Pam regroup. Sookie finds this new Eric much harder to resist espe­cially since he’s been stripped of his self-​identity. For the last three books Sookie’s fought Eric’s charms, but now that he’s vul­ner­a­ble, her resis­tance to him is weak. The dynam­ics of their rela­tion­ship changes a lot in this entry. Sookie is inde­pen­dent and doesn’t like people to con­trol her. It’s reveal­ing to me that she admits that she could resist Eric if he had been his usual, con­trol­ling self but when stripped of his per­son­al­ity, she falls hard.

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