Saturday, May 30, 2009

True Blood : Blood Copy party the Freaks Come Out At Night

All of you SoHo-dwellers wondering what that red glow in the sky was last night, consider your mystery solved-it was the rooftop of Gawker Media, aglitter with partygoers, human and vampire, toasting the premiere of

Luminaries from the worlds of online and print media, advertising, film, and blood-sucking broke out their finest blazers and tossed back Bloody Mary oyster shots (humans) or TruBloody Marys (vampires). (I may have been over-served, because I can't find my messenger bag anywhere. I left it by the drink warmer and I fear that someone nicked it.)

Anyway, check out the photo gallery below. As you can see, there were a couple of strange characters there (what's with the staring girl?), so I'm not surprised there was some drama. Let's hope my missing bag was the worst of it…

Phtoto slide show