Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Premiere Of True Blood Delivers Both Boobs And Blood

very good from io9

The vampires from the blood-soaked, bare-breasted True Blood series are back — and Viking Vampire Lord Eric has highlights. We're so happy to have you back, gang.

So Sookie and Bill have had two weeks of blissful vampire sex and relaxation, after killing off the completely misunderstood Rene in last year's season finale.

You can tell that from her black eye that Sookie is still dealing with the reality of what she had to do: murder poor Rene. Of course her actually having a black eye makes perfect sense, because it's not like she's dating a vampire with regenerative properties in his blood. But we digress — it has been so long since we've been back in Bon Temps, and not too terribly much has changed. People are still dropping like flies with their hearts ripped out, enjoying elaborate and camera-friendly sexual acts, and Sam's still miserable. The best moment, by far, last night was Viking Vampire Eric's big highlight. He showed up, on camera, with hair foils in. It's like he reads my diary of things we dream of one day doing with giant Fey vampires. Thank you for that, Alan Ball, and without much more ado [because not much happened besides Jason going to vampire-killing camp], let's move on to the Pro/Con list.

Pro: Lafayette is not dead, so everyone can go on living.

Pro: Looks like Andy is getting a little more character cred this season. He deserves it — have you seen this man in The Wire? Unbelievable. I hope they go a bit further with him other than drunk, drunk and more drunk. He's a good actor. It would be such a waste not to use him properly.

Pro: Hooray for Bill talk; it's been too long, you old pale stick-in-the-mud. Of course you recycle and say whilst your life is a joyless hell hole of which you cannot escape, now with teenagers. You are so good at making vampires lame, it's a gift. We missed you, and your pronunciation of Sookie.

Pro: The "Crazy ass, motherfucking, Paul Bunyon pig" quote back at Tara, at the police station reminded me of one of my favorite Tara moments: when she was drinking a BOTTLE of vodka while driving. Subtlety, thy name is True Blood.

Pro: WTF is this basement place? Who the is ... holy hell, that's Lafayette with a beard. Seriously how long did it take you to recognize him? That bucket scenario is brutal. Well done so far — let's just hope this torture has in interesting twist and is being used as a means to an end, not just for sexy, gross torture porn's sake. Seems a little too Saw-like for me as well.

Pro: Bill holding Sookie like he has a stick up his ass. Oh Bill, we know you're not cool. No worries.

read on


PenguinKaty said...

I've been a fan since Episode 1 (and the boobs convinced my husband to be a fan too, hah!) and I'm glad to have found this blog and community. I'm loving the podcasts as well! Keep it up Dallas!

I mentioned this on Twitter, but being from Houston I immediately thought of Joel and Victoria Osteen when I saw more of the Rev & Mrs. Newlin on Sunday. It made me laugh out loud, that big fake smile and big blonde hair. I am very interested to see where Jason goes oh his path of "enlightenment".

Can't wait to see the rest of the season and enjoy the ride with you!

Lady Jane said...

This is a really good article with some great comments at the end.

Sharon said...

Sorry to disagree, but the main pro I got from this episode is that I don't have to waste time watching it again. AB has really disappointed me. That said, I got HBO for 3 months just to watch this show, so I'm still hopeful things will get better. I did enjoy Bill's recycling speech.