Monday, July 20, 2009

Alcide, you can come out now: The clawing appeal of werewolves -- there's something about hairy

From LATimes blog

Linton Weeks has an article over at NPR about the full-moon fever for werewolves these days. Here's an excerpt of the lengthy piece that goes on to analyze the paw prints of this pop-culture stirring. (Note: We added the links...)

Lon_Chaney_Jr as Wolf Man Seen The New York Times best-seller list lately? It's awash with werecreatures — half-human, half-beast thingies. There are weretigers in Laurell K. Hamilton's novel Skin Trade. And a werepanther in Charlaine Harris's novel Dead and Gone.

Werethings are showing up everywhere. There's ["The Wolf Man"] movie in the works starring Benicio Del Toro. And word of a remake of John Landis' 1981 movie "An American Werewolf in London." A new series on BBC America premiering in July features a weresomething-or-other.

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