Thursday, July 16, 2009

Emmy nominations: cable trumps the big networks

From The Guardian UK ( read below one of the last paragraph)

This year's Emmy nominations were all about the battle between cable TV and the big networks – and, although the current climate has created a growing reluctance to take risks on the television, cable turned out to be the surprise winner.

With only two network shows – Lost and House – making it on to the Outstanding Drama shortlist (alongside Damages, Mad Men, Big Love, Breaking Bad and Dexter) and a nomination for the excellent Flight of the Conchords in the Outstanding Comedy Series category, you might be forgiven for thinking that the Emmys have decided to take more risks than previous years.

.......The unluckiest actor of all, however, is Alexander Skarsgård. Equally brilliant as the icy moral centre of Generation Kill and the devious, devilish Eric in True Blood, he found himself without any nominations at all. When Jon Cryer and Charlie Sheen can still find themselves nominated for the execrable Two and Half Men the omission of Skarsgård feels like the biggest oversight of all.

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layla said...

I think it was almost criminal that Skarsgard's performance in Gen. Kill was snubbed. It mystified me when his name did not come up in that category.

Rita said...

This day in time i just shake my head at how some people can go thou-
gh life with a silver spoon in their
mouth and others that are as good or
better have to struggle to get what they deserve.

Sharon said...

AS so deserved a nomination for Gen Kill. He wasn't in the first season of TB that much, much to my disappointment. Maybe this second season they'll give him enough time to qualify for a nomination. He has gotten more time (hoping for a lot more). But there will not be another chance for a nomination for his performance in Gen Kill. I keep hoping he will get cast in more US made TV or movies.