Friday, July 3, 2009

True Blood Blood Copy : RED, WHITE, AND BLOOD

I think it’s time we take a moment to remember exactly what principles this country was founded on: tolerance, liberty, and equality. I mention this not because of a sudden patriotic fever, but because it seems so evidently lacking lately. Vampires may not be “normal people” in the narrow definition of some, but we are unquestionably an ever-growing segment of the population. Put simply, even if we don’t breathe or sunbathe, that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve the same rights and protections as others.

As if this needed further demonstration, I’d like to point out that the American War for Independence was not fought by daywalkers alone. Vampires served a number of key positions and played no small part in the eventual outcome of the war that led the English to abandon our shores in the first place. This country is ours as much as anyone else’s and to treat us differently would be, well, un-American.

Okay, it’s not just that upcoming holiday that’s led me to point all this out. Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, recently-elected Senator David Finch has thrown his support behind State Senator Adams’ bigoted Prop 188 bill, which would require vampires to register their blood with the state and face criminal repercussions is that blood is sold (even if it’s stolen by drainers, for example).

It’s a bad idea from a misguided leader.