Monday, July 13, 2009

True Blood in Louisiana

HBO, is making Clinton, the final resting place, for it's popular series, True Blood.

The cast and crew, spent the last week, in Clinton, filming for the current season.

The producers, announced the town of Clinton will be the center of all the action, as the fictional town of Bon Temps.

"Well, we were looking for a town that had a nice small town feel like our town of Bon Temps is supposed to have and Clinton fit the bill very closely",says executive producer, Gregg Fienberg.

"The locals they come up, they talk and you get that real authentic accent and that Louisiana swagger and you just sort of incorporate it, said Nelsan Ellis. Ellis plays the character "Lafayette", a short-order grill cook at Merlotte's.

Producers say they plan on shooting in Clinton as long as the town will have them.


Louisianagirl29 said...

That's my local news. I went to high school with that news anchor's son.