Monday, August 31, 2009

“True Blood” Season Two, Episode Eleven: TV Recap

from Wall Street Journal ( I still can believe the write about TB)

After all the hype, Evan Rachel Wood finally made her debut as Sophie Ann, the vampire queen of Louisiana, on last night’s (second-to-last!) episode of “True Blood.” Dressed as a glamourpuss with perfectly coifed hair and retro duds, she portrayed the young queen as a rather petulant and affected ruler, with a hint of Valley Girl thrown into the mix (”Helllllo? Evolution!”). The off-kilter performance may have been her (and creator Alan Ball’s) intent, but she certainly didn’t give off any vibes of “fear me, fear my power.”

Sophie Ann kicks off the rather slow-paced, expository episode with a scene of her feeding on a willing victim and asking Bill, on business from Bon Temps, if he wants to join in. (Marilyn Manson would be proud). Bill politely declines, but finds himself forced to act as Sophie Ann’s playdate for the day, “sunbathing” by the pool and playing Yahtzee, before she answers the question he’s come to ask her about: How can he kill Maryann, who’s technically an immortal maenad? Turns out, the deed isn’t impossible. All maenads live a nomadic life, waiting for a Godot-like Dionysus to show up. Since he never will, the key to vanquish-ment is attacking the maenad at her weakest moment: after she’s provided the requisite sacrifice (preferably supernatural) and is waiting for her god to come.

read on


Rita said...

ERW is just right for the queen she
carried her self very well,as she is
on more she will be more relaxed in
the role.At first i thought it was
she that didn't want to have sex with
Bill,but as it turns out it was Bill.
Lafayette is in need of a doc.but he dose his best even if some body cha-
nges into an Eric.Eric and Pam really
would have to have Coby and Lisa for
lunch but did their best to be nice
Laf. deoped a hint about the egg
when he was calling Arlene and
Terry with the pills and the editing was a little off in a scene
or 2,but considering the fact that
they were in a rush to get the
show finished so it could air on
time i can forgive them and Eric
doing the fly thing well i can
understand why it was uncomfortable
he was shot up fast was good anyway
and was really funny him asking Sam
if he could get him Sookie.Will be
really interresting in 2 weeks.

Rita said...

Oh! i forgot Lafayette and Sookie
talking about the dreams well you
have to understand Sookie isn't gay
so her dreams are quit different
emotion from Lafs.i can see that happining.

Anonymous said...

Episode eleven: I will not go for the obvious comment about laying a big egg.
Rather, I will just say that the story line of Sookie and Bill in Dallas to save Godfrey was excellent.

" Dallas " said...


i like the way you approached that anony - in a positive manner. If you listened to the show Sunday night Sookie and I talked at length about this with out HuffPo friend Mark Blankenship and i realized we had these writing errors or end of season too many threads going problems last year too,