Sunday, October 4, 2009

Project Paranormal with Charlaine Harris by Penguin Group


Anonymous said...

Quote "She will pick someone based on her longterm needs and goals" Crap, she is going to end up with Sam *sigh*
I know she wants children and a family.

Rita said...

Enjoyed the interview Eric is who i
would like Sookie to be with but
since i am not a writer and really
love these books,and will be happy
with who ever Ms.CH puts Sookie

Layne said...

That translates to “Hooray for Sam!”

But you got to admit there are little passages in all the books where Sookie comments that Sam is there for her.
Ms Harris always reminds the reader that Sookie loves the sun, she longs for family and she wants to stay in her ancestral home. Also, Sam accepts her and has not used her ability to help him in some way. Yep, he is hubby material.
Sam is just being patient and hoping that Sookie will survive long enough to get Vampires out of her system.

yoginisarahwelsh said...

I think there is no other person in Sookie's world who has been as consistently fair and kind to Sookie as Sam has been. It has never really made sense to me that she would end up with anyone else if CH is intent on her never becoming a vampire. And I'm perfectly fine with her ending up with Sam, he's awesome.

Anonymous said...

I now have a big smile on my face. :D Since reading the books I've had a gut feeling about Sookie/Sam.