Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bubba comes out on Halloween -hide your cats

Who is this?
Anyone who has listened to my radio show or read my blog - knows this person...


Rita said...

I must say he most def.looks a lot
like Andy in the face.

caninecologne said...

what a hilarious costume!!!!!

Pyrosteria1987 said...

You can't say his name, He's the Man from Memphis who likes the blood of cats and dogs, He has been sighted several times, he supposely died of a drug overdose until a vampire who worked at the morgue brought him over because they sensed that he was still a live,but the process of bringing him over went wrong and if you say his name he gets upset, but he doesn't mind singing sometimes...I might get in trouble but Bubba is Elvis. Based by the little hints in the books.