Thursday, January 8, 2009

True Blood Episode Six: 'Cold Ground' recap from HBO site

Sookie stands next to Gran's body, paralyzed by the sight of blood splattered across the kitchen. She opens her mouth to scream but can't make a sound, and a pale hand clamps onto her shoulder ... It's Bill. He comforts her for a moment then hears a creaking floorboard and attacks its source, which turns out to be Sam, saying he came to make sure Sookie got home safe. At this point, she's in a state of total shock, and they move her to the living room while waiting for the authorities to arrive.

Bud Dearborn, Andy Bellefleur and Mike Spencer begin their investigation in the kitchen, so Sam sits with Sookie on the front porch, taking a shot at apologizing but succeeding only at irritating her. She asks for Bill, and though Sam leaves to find him, he then warns the vampire to stay away from Sookie. "This isn't the time or the place to ... mark your territory," Bill replies.

The investigators, examining the evidence, discuss the case again. Andy regrets releasing Jason, though Bud doubts the man could have slaughtered his own grandmother. At this point Bill enters the room, agrees to answer their questions and explains that he thinks the killer had come looking for Sookie. Out on the porch, Sookie tries to reach her brother with the news, but when his phone rings on Randi Sue's nightstand, he grabs it and hurls it against the wall. So, when Mike and the police officers bring Gran's body outside, Sookie has only Sam and Bill to stand with her. Still, she refuses to leave the house and immediately heads into the kitchen to start cleaning up the mess.

Episode Six ( S1) HBO Recap