Tuesday, February 3, 2009

True Blood actors adopt Southern Accents : They speak American

I am not one of the people that has had a problem with the accents of any of the actors, I think the Canadian/Kiwi , Brits, Swedish and Australian actors are doing a pretty good job with their American southern accents and I have lived in the South all my life.

A growing number of television actors are not only studying scripts, they're also studying American vowels and consonants. Popular actors from England, Australia and New Zealand have found a home on the small screen playing American characters.But just how well are they doing with their adoptive American accents? For some perspective, we checked in with Cecilie O'Reilly, a busy Chicago dialect coach, who most recently worked with American actors and Irish accents for Steppenwolf Theatre's production of "The Seafarer."

Anna Paquin, New Zealand

Role: Sookie Stackhouse ("True Blood"), a Louisiana barmaid who hears voices and falls in love with a vampire.

Accent: Paquin's Southern accent is "right on target. I pretty much couldn't see any problem with it."
