Wednesday, April 1, 2009

True Blood Hair Afair : What up with Eric's hair ?

Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair

This image from the recent leaked Season 2 photographs ( you can see them all here ) has caused quite a stir ...

I guess I don't really get it, as it looks like to me that Alex's hair is just pulled back here as it's growing out.
We had quite a roller coaster ride with Alex's hair last season, we had some great episodes where he had his own hair and then we had some episode when he was wearing a not very becoming wig...

I think he had to cut his hair for other roles and just couldn't grow it back in time for the Eric role. This season of TB hopefully he will have his own hair.

However in Charlaine's vampire lore, a vampire looks like he looked when he is turned from a human into a vampire. So, once they set Eric's hair length in Season 1, he should look the same way throughout the run of the series.

See natural hair, below left and right wig...


Anonymous said...

I agree that he should have the same hair as before. I was just posting about it. I think it´s takes away from the viking from the vamp.
I didn´t know that the hair on the beginning of the show was Alex´s own hair... I just assumed it was the wig.
But in the end the hair really is weird.

" Dallas " said...

maybe I'm wrong but i thought he had his own hair and then didn't ...somebody pipe up if they know ...

Lindsay Jo said...

It was always a wig. He had his hair short from shooting Generation Kill. It just looked a lot better in it's first appearance.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he just has his hair pulled back. Doesn't Eric wear it that way from time to time in the books? Whatever the case may be, I'm sure it will be an improvement over what his hair looked like in season 1.

VampLover said...

HA! All the viking menace gone in this hair do. I mean really, now he looks like he was turned some 15-years back. Where is the 1000 yro Viking vamp, huh? And it doesn't seem like he has his hair pulled back.

Telma T. said...

I'm just loving the hair discussion. Never seen so many women upset over a guys haircut. If he had is hair long like he had and a girly voice did he still looked menace? NO! Comm on, there will be a scene on the show for the hair cut but he will still be tall, blond with a great deep masculine voice. Still very hot and scary to me!

Lara said...

I watched an interwiew a while ago where Alex talked about Eric's hair, and said that "there might be some changes". Alex looks very good in short hair too, but in my head our dear viking will always have his long golden hair. Although, it got me wondering...if Eric cut his hair, would it grow right back at the same moment...?

" Dallas " said...

Yes, I think like they heal while you watch the hair would grow back to the state it was when the vamp was turned

Maureen said...

Hey Dallas! Love your site and a long-time lurker coming out into the sun! Eric's hair is the least of my concerns and if I may, have a couple of questions:
1. Does CH still own her characters? Fan fiction requires a disclaimer to that effect.
2. CH has previously turned down offers to bring it to the screen and has stated that she agreed with 90% of AB's vision, which I would think would have been reflected in their contract.
3. I wince at fan statements proclaiming that 'AB can do whatever he wants' as I am hoping that latitude was addressed at the time of the contract with CH.
4. I can live with an adaptation of the books with its associated creative license, but do not consider a rewriting of the prominent series storyline regarding Eric to fall into the 'adaptation' category. That would be more of a story 'hijacking'

Any light you can shed on this would be very appreciated. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Well according to CH. AB know owes the right to all the Characters and can change anything he likes...

Maureen said...

Thanks Anonymous. Do you have a primary source citation to substantiate this claim,or is this fan generated? Thx.

" Dallas " said...

This is what I wrote earlier in an email.

Alan Ball owns the options to the Sookie books for the duration of the TV show.

I understand that this covers Sookie materials from bk 1-7 and the merchandising anything else she writes is not included unless he separately purchases that from her

I do think they talk often and she definitely expresses her opinion and I do think he consults with her. She said she doesn’t tell him how to make a TV series and he doesn’t tell her how to write books.

Neither one of them would do anything that would hurt the franchise, this is now a multimillion dollar international franchise and they both have a stake.

I think Alan and the writing team can take the Eric character ( and any of the others ) where he wants to go, look at how he's already changed Bill and the other characters.

My sources would be the video of her speaking in Houston here ( I was there in person)

PolarVamp said...

I really don't like Eric's new hair
cut it takes something away from the character but thats HBO...
they are must likely trying to compete with twilight,the vampire diaries(sceduled for the CW channel) & all the other vampire movies that are being talked Darkshadows,Lost boys 3

Maureen said...

Many thanks Dallas for your feedback. I apologize for missing your earlier email.

As an original Bill fan before I read the books, I am glad to know that CH readily collaborates with AB and that was how I had hoped it to be.

Again, thanks for your time and trouble.

" Dallas " said...

Hey Maureen

I’ve always been kind of interested in the synergy between Ball and Harris.
I would say she speaks her mind and I think he listens even if it doesn’t change his vision he appreciates hers ..

That’s just conjecture on my part.

I didn't post the email sorry , I should have been clearer I had an email questions this morning and it was on this very topic, so you didn’t miss anything I wasn’t clear about the email remark ..
Thanks Maureen

Kelley said...

Has Alan Ball or Charlene Harris discussed this in interviews yet? I am happy to fanwank Eric's short hair away because it looks GREAT, but I need an explanation. They can't change the rules like that and not give us a reason.

" Dallas " said...

i just don't think that Alan is adhering to that vamp rule of Charlaine's

that isn't a universal vamp rule that they can't change their appearances -so he's just not going with that rule