Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rogue vampires in True Blood and the Sookie books

Definition of a rogue vampire from Book 2

  • Rogue vampires were the backward-looking undead; they hadn't wanted to be made known to humans any more than the humans wanted to know about them.
  • Rogues refused to drink the synthetic blood that was the mainstay of most vampires' diets these days.
  • Rogues believed the only future for vampires lay in a return to secrecy and invisibility.
  • Rogue vampires would slaughter humans for the fun of it, now, because they actually welcomed a return of persecution of their own kind.
  • Rogues saw it as a means of persuading mainstream vampires that secrecy was best for the future of their kind; and then, too, persecution was a form of population control.

Rogue vampires in the Sookie books:

Eric says “Mickey talked mostly to Charles. Charles tells me he is a rogue. He’s capable of . . . things that are barbarous. Don’t go around Tara.” Bk 5

Eric says “We need to find out what happened to Kyle Perkins, and why this rogue accepted the job” bk 7

Diantha has killed Rogue vampires “Diantha loves to hunt deer, and she has killed people in my defense. And she and her sister ( Gladiola) even brought down a rogue vampire or two.” bk7

Rogue vampires are perfectly portrayed by Malcolm, Diane and Liam in True Blood.