Wednesday, May 6, 2009

True Blood Blood Copy : The city that never sleeps

May 6th, 2009

The museum I went to last night had just opened up a new exhibit. Vampire art. Or, more appropriately, art from vampires. Seems there’s a pretty big community in the city. I think most of the people coming to see it weren’t vampires. It seemed like they were more interested in the idea of vampires creating art than the art itself.

I wonder if that will change. If some new creature will spring up and everyone will start paying attention to it instead. Vampires will slowly fade into the background and one day seem almost like anybody else.

I’ve spent most of today wandering around New York City. I tell myself I’m looking for clues, but really I think I’m just trying to keep my mind off the answers.

At one point I thought I’d run into Andrew by pure chance. I saw somebody who looked like him, at least from a distance. I took this picture of him, I was so sure.


Looking at it now, I don’t he actually looks like Andrew at all. Do you?