Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gawker : All the Summer TV You'll Need to Watch

So you guys know the Gawker stuff with BloodCopy

So Gawker writes an article about new summer shows and writes this:

True Blood; June 14th, 9pm
HBO's kitschy vampire series started off wildly uneven last season, veering from scary-sexy to scary-stupid in the middle of episodes. But it eventually found its deep-fried Southern Gothic stride, with clever storytelling and ever-deepening characters gushing out of every orifice. And, yes, Anna Paquin is ungodly annoying, thus rendering the show's central relationship something of a bore, but she's more than made up for by the dangerously sexy Ryan Kwanten, the filthy-fascinating Nelsan Ellis, and the as-yet-unexplored-but-still-intriguing lesbodrone that is Michelle Forbes. As entertaining a show as one could want during the hot 'n sticky months. [See Ed. note below]

Editor's note: True Blood, like other TV shows (even some mentioned in this very post!), is a Gawker advertiser. Their campaign, though, includes sponsored posts via, which when it was introduced generated some discussion in the media about media. So here is the boring disclosure: Those Bloodcopy posts are written by the advertising department. Editorial posts are written independent of who advertises; we might endorse, trash or simply ignore TV shows that happen to advertise. And that's why you keep a bright line separating the editorial and advertising in the first place, kids.

So writing a review where you call the lead actress ( who's an Oscar and Golden Globe winner ) annoying and the central relationship boring is supposed to show that even though HBO is advertising on Gawker ( in a BIG way ) you are really nuetral as to how you will review the show ..really is that the best way?


Anonymous said...

Anna is so NOT annoying and the central relationship (Sookie and Bill) is SO hot. Gawker can kiss my grits!

SarahFW said...

Well, I will come right out and say that in the very beginning, I thought Anna was annoying, too. I thought she was WAY overdoing it. But she has really hit her stride, and I think she's great now.

However, I think the central relationship is boring, because I am ready to get to some Eric action. I won't apologize for that!

Sharon said...

I think she is VERY annoying and even after watching the entire series, I can't get with her being Sookie. IMO, she is all wrong for the part. When she won a Golden Globe for the part, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Well, no you couldn't have. I had already fallen over in disbelief. But I blame some of it on direction and some of it on her appearance, which is just not Sookie Stackhouse. But then, this show has moved so far from the books, which I guess some folks like though I don't know why, that the fact that they cast her for the part should be no surprise. I think they did a good job casting Bill, Eric and Pam. But there is just too much other crap in the show. It's supposed to be about vampires!

As for the relationship with Bill, it is boring in both the show and the books. I watch the show for Eric. I loved book 9.

" Dallas " said...

I totally disagree.

I am 100% Team Sookie in the book and the TV show. I think Anna is a tremendously talented actress and I love her portrayal, as does Charlene.

The Books and TV show are two different entities and I love them both ....

I think you guys are missing my point, I don't care that whoever wrote this for gawker thinks the lead actress is annoying or the main plot is boring, I think its craptastic to think that posting a "critical" review of the show will convince anyone that they are neutral when they are now HOSTING the advertising /promotion site for HBO True Blood called BloodCopy.

I don't think they are hosting the WEB pages for all the other summer TV shows so maybe it would be better to just write about the other shows and stay out of commenting on TB ....

It was just my opinion...