Thursday, June 11, 2009

True Blood Season 2: Boston Herald gives us more about Lafayette and the foot in the car

Can a telepathic waitress find eternal happiness with a 170-year-old Southern gentlemen with an occasional overbite problem?

If you still don’t care about the answer to that question, get in line. In its second season, beginning Sunday, HBO’s “True Blood” gives the rest of us something to chew on with juicy new mysteries.

That body in Andy’s (Chris Bauer) car is identified. The gruesome manner of death suggests something other than a vampire is involved. Maybe.

Maryann (Michelle Forbes) continues to draw Tara (Rutina Wesley) into her nebulous world. Her past with shape-shifting Sam (Sam Trammell) threatens Sam’s future.

Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) appears to be a prisoner in hell or a reasonable facsimile. Dim bulb Jason (Ryan Kwanten) falls under the sway of a vampire-hating religious cult. Another unfortunate soul is ripped to bloody shreds.

News of yet another death finds Sookie (Anna Paquin) realizing the consequences of human-vamp love. She confronts her undead lover (Stephen Moyer) about his many secrets.

“I cannot have people dying every time I confide in you,” she tells Bill.

Bill has his cold hands full with a newly vamped 17-year-old named Jessica. Her presence leads Sookie into a mistake with possibly lethal consequences in the June 21 episode.

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