Monday, June 22, 2009

'True Blood:' Who's That Girl?

from NY Post-thanks jesse

Last night's "True Blood" featured an evisceration, a shocking trip home for Jessica, a near orgy and one hilarious mall-set scene that called Bill and Eric's sexuality into question. Yet, this morning, all I can think about is that girl who played Christian singer Amanda Jane and her song, "Jesus Asked Me Out Today."

So I forced Sam to morph into a dog so he could track down the actress who played the pigtailed pop star. Three bad leads later, he led me to Molly Burnett. The 21-year-old actress -- who really performs that song -- regularly stars on "Days of Our Lives" as hell-raising Melanie, so her fans will undoubtedly love seeing her as the naughty-but-nice singer.

PopWrap: Where did that genius track come from?
Molly Burnett: [The writers]. I thought it was great because here you have this provocative pop star moving around like Britney Spears, talking about saving herself for Jesus. It's gold.

PW: There is a lot of Miss Spears in your performance, did you look to her as an inspiration?
Molly: I kind of did my own thing, but I may have referenced Britney a la the catholic school girl pig tail days!

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