Monday, August 17, 2009

'True Blood:' Godric, Eric, Bill


Last night's "True Blood"? In short, AWESOME. It was another great episode in a season that has just been going from strength to strength.

But I particularly loved the final scene, with Sookie and Godric on the roof. (Spoiler alert.) The show is always good when it comes to action, but it also can pack a punch when the action slows to make room for a more emotional moment. As Godric said farewell in the dawn, it was one of the sweetest moments in "True Blood" so far, as we glimpsed the weary soul of a vampire who'd found his way to peace, integrity, and nobility after centuries on Earth. As Godric, Danish actor Allan Hyde was unforgettable -- so fragile and resigned.

Putting Sookie on the roof with Godric for his death -- er, "end" -- scene only added to the poignancy. Her tears for Godric were genuine and loving, of course. But I think she was also crying for Bill in some way. She will probably never get to witness Bill's "end" -- she will probably die first. So she had an opportunity to shed tears for a gentle vampire like Bill while he left the world.

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Anonymous said...

What, Who wrote that. Sookies tears were for Bill? Bill is the next Godric? I mean, come on seriously...


Jasperann said...

Ughh...Bill? Why do some people bring everything back to him with Sookie... Her tears were for Godric and Godric alone. Give the guy that much.

Rita said...

I like Bill don't get me wrong,but i
for Eric,but those tears Sookie shed
were for Godric and for him alone.

Sylvia said...

I agree with you, Jasperann.

Sharon said...

Remember 1,000 years ago when Godric was at least 1,000 years old, he was still killing (Eric's comrades) and making new vampires like Eric. At least according to TB. The story of Godric in the books is quite different. But in either case, Bill is no Godric, and that may be a good thing. For one thing, we don't want all our vampires self-immolating!

Sookie's tears were all for Godric.

Unknown said...

"a gentle vampire like bill"

are they having a laugh? bill has attacked or killed several people in this show. he's lied repeatedly to sookie. bill is many things but i don't think gentle is one of them.

Anonymous said...

^you guys are hating a little to hard. bill is trying to be more human and he hasn't killed nearly as much as eric. Comparing them both, sookie can clearly see the "good in bill."

Jasperann said...

Anonymous #2 - I don't think anyone is hating on Bill, just the fact that he wasn't even in this scene and people are bringing him into it. I'm sure Sookie can see the good in him, but honestly not everything is about him. Besides the fact that he is sneaky in his own right, I don't believe for a second that he is all good. This is one of those moments, and it happened to be about a very old Vampire meeting the sun not Sookie crying for Bill of all people. That is what I had an issue with...