Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Vampire Flashbacks Of Our Undead Lives. Plus The Best Thing You've Ever Seen

I'm really picky about what recaps and reviews I read and even more so about what what I post but I always like io9 Meredith Woerner's "Pro and Cons"

This week was A LOT of talking on True Blood. Gabby vampires, talky humans... there was hardly any sex at all. But never fear: we've have a BIG surprise for you guys in this review, check it out. Spoilers below...

So how do you compete with last weeks amazing vampire lounge lizard moment? Easy, Melrose Place it up. This week was all feelings, elaborate costumes and tears, bloody tears. I enjoyed it, but I feel like we're moments away from the good stuff, and I can't wait to see Godric and his frat buddies unleashed on these Christian vampire haters (seriously Godric looked like the morning remnants from a Jersey Shore party, tribal arm tatt included, and after I said he looked neat a few weeks ago... Tsk, tsk.)

But I'm getting ahead of myself... onward, to the Pros and Cons of True Blood.

Con: Not even threatening the death of my beloved puppy boy can make me interested in the done-to-death sex parties. Maryann, you need a new shtick, and fast. But on the other hand, it did give us this...

read on


callonmebill said...

Bill as Data and the piano cat LOL, us Bill fans do have a sense of humor.