Thursday, September 3, 2009

True Blood: Jason Stackhouse recomends some Armageddon/ Zombie reading

Nice to see that Jason is a reader, having recently read the best selling 'Oral History of the Zombie War' by Max Brooks.

Here is Jason is talking to Andy and Sam in episode 11:

AB: Sheriff's station was wide open and empty.They ain't gonna help.

JS: Then we have got to be the law. Guys, I read a book about this. This is Armageddon.

Oral History of the Zombie War. We need weapons, lots of them.

SM: I hate to break it to you, but guns aren't gonna do jack shit to Maryann.

Below is Max talking about his book , this might help you and buy the book below ! Remember Step one is learning to work together !

Sam tells Eric "until somebody starts trusting someone, we're all single targets"