Saturday, January 3, 2009

True Blood fans , blogging and Dallas's thoughts...

We love luvseric who writes the blog 'Totally Random' and we love to highlight fellow bloggers. We look forward to you writing more about "the great one". If any of you write a blog post about the books, the TV series , Vampires or anything relative, please let us know. I have deep understanding for other fans because this blog was originally just supposed to be for me , it was just a place where I could collect little things while I watched the series and read through the book and well, now....we just passed our 30,000th visitor and that's in just the last 43 days .
NO I AM NOT kidding , we now have a weekly radio show, last week we went on a driving tour of the TB filming locations in Louisiana, next week I'll be traveling to hear Ms Harris speak and it's kind of taken over my life and brought with it some really fun things and wonderful new friends!

We also love hearing from our readers ! Thanks "Dallas"

Happy New Year! Hope everybody is having a wonderful new year!

Me, I just found out that this blog was quoted by Loving True Blood in Dallas (that was a whole 2 weeks ago!!!!), which I found extremely exciting... and somewhat freaky at the same time, for some reason. So, I immediately went ahead and spent the last hour or so sprucing up the place, since now I know there are people out there who might actually come by! I added a bunch of basic gadgets, links, and other Eric-related fun stuff. One of these days I'll upload my Eric pictures on Photobucket, to have a bigger, better Eric/Alex slideshow.

Anyway, I'm happy to know that this blog is one someone's radar after all, and (belatedly!) thank the people from Loving True Blood in Dallas for taking the time to stop by! (By the way... Thanks so much for the Eric T-shirt info, too... I just got me one!!!!) :-)


luvseric said...

Aw, shucks... you've done it again! Now I'm really blushing (seriously!)...
Much love,