Saturday, September 12, 2009

'True Blood': 10 Favorite Moments from Season 2

Ken at EW does a slide show of his favorite moments HERE

HBO's vamp-tastic show wraps up its sophomore year this Sunday; our resident Bill-Sookie-Eric expert picks the bloody best

You guys tell me yours and I'll make us our own favorite moments of Season 2 slide show !


vampfan said...

Anything Eric and Sookie, Eric getting his hair done, Bill shopping, Jessica and Hoyt, Jason shooting Steve Newlin, Eric shoving Stan against the wall, Lafayette beating Eggs, Godric and Eric on the roof, Godric and Sookie on the roof, Eric talking to Jason at Godric's house, Andy and Jason carb loading before going to confront Maryann, Eric and the kids. I could go on and on there are so many!

Rita said...

I agree with vampfan.

Lady Jane said...

I think in this order so far since we haven't seen the last episode yet, thank gawd its tomorrow night.

1. Godric was my favorite this season, I think the screen shot of him meeting the sun.
2. Eric showing compassion about Godric
3. Bill's stunned face walking into see the Queen
4. Mary Ann in either just her claws or the Bull head scene.
5. Hoyt and Jessica
6. Bill and Sookie's lovemaking at the beginning of the season
7. Any scene with Lorena in it, she did a really good job this season
8. Barry the Bellboy, Chris Coy is fine too.
9. Jason and Sarah sorry I really like Anna Camp especially her improve beer and dance scene while cooking
10. Everyone getting "shot" this season, Lafayette, Jason, Steve, and even to a point Eric, and poor Carl or Karl however it it spelled.
11. Sam and Daphne, I loved that pink dress she was in. It's sad she had to be stabbed.

And the most scary I have to agree with Dallas was Sookie walking into her house seeing Jane cut her finger off, and the guy in the sink with the entrails (human or animal that is the question) and then laying "spoons" with Mike yucky. And the dungeon scene with Lafayette was pretty perplexing too, and I am sorry I have to add the almost rape of Sookie was pretty bad too, scary scary I think those would be my top 3 on that. Also adding the fact that everyone is under Mary Ann's spell that is pretty hard to take too, how some supernatural creature can have that much control over people, it makes you glad there is not those types around you know. I mean if a creature can do that she/he would be bad, at least Vamps are not that bad.

Ok I got long winded again.

Merri B. said...

Additional fave scenes:

1)Eric acting human in the FOTS church to rescue Sookie.
2)Jason talking to Andy about Sam's shifting (if he turns into a chicken, can he lay his own egg?)
3)Evil Bill and Lorena flashback scene where they hunt a couple after a party in the couple's home, on a bloody bed!
4)Viking flashback - when Eric was made by Godric.
5)Eggs and Tara smacking each other while in a trance after eating the heart stew Maryann prepared.
6)Jessica loses her virginity to Hoyt and Bill walks in.
7)TEA CUP HUMANS!!! Eric's encounter with Sam and Arlene's of the best scenes!!!
He flies!
8)Sookie's "fae" powers come out to Maryann after Bill is poisoned by her so-called blood.
9)Lafayette drinking Eric's blood and then dancing and grinding his couch - hilarious!
10)Lafayette's hallucinations: first with Andy turning into Eric...then with LettieMae turning into Eric!

KathyG said...

1. Sookie kissing Eric's cheek.
2. Eric laughing in bed with Sookie.
3. Jason as the God Who Comes.
4. Sam in his apron putting out the flairs
5. Eric whispering to Sookie "Trust Me"
6. Jason telling Steve why he reckon's he's already been to heaven.
7. Bill walking across the bridge at Sophie Ann's
8. Eric winking goodbye to the kids right before he flies.

Nothing else comes to mind.

Selle Castaigneda said...

My favorite scenes were Lafayette dancing in his living room after drinking Eric's blood and Eric as Andy Bellefleur in Lafayette's hallucination.