Friday, January 16, 2009

Eric, bite me! Entrevista com o Alexander

from Thursday, 25 September 2008

Alexander Skarsgard In “True Blood” Currently making a name for himself inHollywood, 32-year-old Alexander Skarsgard went straight from a leading role in the HBO war mini-series Generation Kill to a regular role in the cable network’s latest hit drama seriesTrue Blood, in which he plays the mysterious vampire Eric. Mostly unknown to American audiences, Skarsgard, who quit acting for eight years before renewing his love for the craft, was five times voted the sexiest man in Sweden, and is one of their most beloved stage and screen actors.

Skarsgard recently spoke to MediaBlvdMagazine about working with Academy Award-winner Anna Paquin and playing such a fun character.

MediaBlvd Magazine> Had you been familiar with Charlaine Harris’ Southern Vampire books that True Blood is adapted from, or did you catch up after you were cast?

Alexander Skarsgard> No, I wasn’t familiar with them. I read them when I got the part.

MediaBlvd> How does your character, Eric, end up in this Southern town?

Alexander> For business, basically. He opened this nightclub, Fangtasia, and he makes a lot of money because human tourists come there to see vampires. They go there and buy drinks, and he sits on his throne and they take pictures of him, and he makes a lot of money.

MediaBlvd> What is your look going to be for Eric, and how is it wearing the fangs?

Alexander> It was amazing! I did this right after I did Generation Kill, which was very dirty and sweaty, so it was amazing to do something so flamboyant and extravagant as Eric. He’s the complete polar opposite of my character in that, Brad Colbert. He wears sleek European suits and expensive shirts. I have a long blonde wig, and I’m obviously pale. And, he loves to be the center of attention. He’s got his nightclub, and he roams around there like a king. It’s very different.

MediaBlvd> What’s it like to play a character that’s so old? Do you create a backstory for that, or do you just try to play him in the present?

Alexander> He’s been around for a millennium, so there’s much to do. I play a lot with the thought of a guy who’s seen everything. He’s been around for 1,000 years, so he’s seen everything, and he doesn’t waste his time. He doesn’t play any games. He’s very straight-forward. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it, basically. So, I just try to have fun with that directness to him. He’s very grounded and very confident, and he knows what he wants, all the time, and he doesn’t waste his time. Falling in love with humans, and all that kind of stuff — some of the other vampires do that — is just a waste of time to him.

MediaBlvd> What has it been like to work with Anna Paquin?

Alexander> She’s amazing! We’ve had so much fun. Most of my stuff is with her and Steve Moyer, who plays Bill, the other vampire. Eric is Bill’s boss, so he brings them there, all the time. And, I work a lot with Kristin Bauer, who plays Pam, Eric’s right-arm and sidekick. Eric turned Pam and made her a vampire, 200 years ago, so she’s always by his side. We’re having so much fun. We really are. And, Anna is very humble, down-to-earth, fun to work with and a very generous actor.

MediaBlvd> What is Alan Ball like?

Alexander> Oh, he’s great. He’s very much hands-on. He’s there all the time, and he’s got this great enthusiasm. He’s very excited about the project. Even if he doesn’t direct the episode, he’s often on set. He’s very hands-on. That generates a great vibe on set, when you know the creator is not just walking around, trying to make money. He’s really there because he loves the project. He’s crazy about this, and he loves every single detail of it. He’ll come up and talk about just some little thing that he’s been thinking about. He really lives for this project right now.