Friday, January 16, 2009

I don’t know about Twilight but…

Sandy over at Insane world blog writes:

I have read the Sookie Stackhouse novels. DH bought the set for me for Christmas and I devoured them one right after another finishing the 7th book just after New Years. We were first turned on to Sookie’s story by HBO’s series True Blood…based on the books obviously. The first season was basically the first book.

The series (and first book) introduces you to Sookie and her unusual gift of telepathy. She struggles through her entire life and ends up isolating herself a bit to get away from the thoughts in people’s heads. The tiny town she lives in believes she is just crazy or weird though there are a few who know of her “gift”. Then she meets Bill…a Civil War vampire that has come back to settle down in Bon Temps. He used to live there before he was turned and now has come back to claim the family house and property.

Did I mention she can’t read his mind?

In other words, Sookie gets romantically involved with Bill and so starts her adventures with Vampire society. There are those that are “racist” against vampires and so she has to deal with the stigma of having a vamp boyfriend as well as dealing with other vampires who are eager to use her “gift” for their benefit.

While the first season was very close to the book, they did change some things around and it has made me curious as to what they will change later on in the story when they make them for TV. I felt the book was a much better than the series even though I read it after the fact.

The one issue I had with the books, though, was that the last book or two seemed a bit strained…like Harris was put on this timeline for X amount of books and she was struggling for story. There is one book that didn’t come with the set that I have that I wanted to get and when I looked at reviews for it others said the same of THAT book…so I kinda wonder if the story is starting to peeter out and she isn’t sure where to go with it.

Other than that the books are amazing. They are written in first person (very few authors do that) so you only get Sookie’s point of view and her feelings and perceptions. You aren’t omnipotent in this story like you are in other books so I like that…you get a thrill of surprise and suspense trying to find out what is going on in her life and what is going on with those around her.

So, so I intend on reading Twilight? Not sure unless I can find someone who can lend it to me. From what little I read of the stories so far from reviews and synopsis (of the movie and the books) I am not sure I would really enjoy it. My sister LOVES it…but that doesn’t mean anything. Anyone that knows me knows I can have a peculiar taste and opinion and am not prone to like things that are mainstream.

However, I would definatly recommend the Sookie books if you are in for a good Vampire story or if you were disheartened with Twilight (I know a few people that are). The only problem now is I have read all the books and I have to find something new to read!


Anonymous said...

I honestly loved the Twilight book series more. I like the Sookie books but I think the show is so much better.