Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Coming soon to True Blood: Sookie and Eric in bed ...

Spoiler ? really don't we know that ???

From TV Guide

Any scoop on True Blood? The season is dragging for me. — Danny
MICKEY: Well, would Sookie and Eric naked in bed together spice things up for you, Danny? You'll see that, and the death — yes, death — of two prominent vampires, before the end of the season.


Sylvia said...

I know this is probably a dream but I'll take what I can get!

mitsy85 said...

Sookie does not look comfortable in this picture. She does not show the same chemistry or sexiness as she does in a Bill love scene.
I prefer her with Bill.

Megan Arlitz said...

Please.. I know it may be a dream but.. I sure as hell can not wait till it happens.. two vampires die...god.. I really hope one of them is not Godric.. but I have a real bad feeling that it is.. I love Allan Hyde as Godric he is a very good actor and is very pretty... Can not wait too see what happens in Episode 9.

Stephanie said...

It's no dream Eric is in bed with Sookie. This happens in book 2. She doesn't look comfortable because one Sookie isn't awake yet & she has NO IDEA at the moment that it's even ERIC in the bed with her. In the books it takes until book 4 before she really warms up to Eric but that's awhole other story in itself.& Yes two prominent Vampires die. That happens in the books too except in the books its Godfrey not Godric there is no Godric so I have no idea what Alan Ball is going to do however Godric is as old as Godfrey in the books & Godfrey had lived way too many years & was tired of living & wanted to meet the sun & therefore did in the books So though I really like Godric the similiarties to Godfrey are really close so I have a funny feel that is what Alan Ball is headed towards.

Anonymous said...

I can see one of the vampires that die, being Godric. He is so calm, and only wants peace. He is a man making peace to move on. Especially after seeing him make Eric a vampire. I hope its not Jessica, they are killing off..I love her.

Sylvia said...

mitsy, I'm pretty sure it's a dream sequence and she doesn't look uncomfortable so much as out of it.

My money is on Godric and Stan being the two to die in episode 9. I'm 100% on Godric meeting the sun but I'm not too sure about Stan at this point, just a hunch.

And Steph, Eric doesn't hop into bed with her until Club Dead(book 3) and even then it's just for a brief moment to 'snuggle.' Now later he does more stuff but, uh, yeah.

" Dallas " said...

I know its will be Godric - he will "meet the sun' on the hotle roof top to take credit for the killings ..

I'm afraid it will also be Jessica- that was my first thought with the forever doomed to painful and sex ( she ain't long for this world)

What ever they have next for the Bill character ( we know in the books he will be kidnapped and held ) there is no way into season 3 he can baby sit baby vamp.

So she will have to be pawned off on Sophie Ann or done away with before end of S2- me thinks

" Dallas " said...

Stephenie can you tell me where in bk 2 the Eric in sookie's bed happens I'm aware of it happening early in bk 3 but not in bk 2

Thanks "d"

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm leaning toward Jessica being the one to kick the bucket, too. Mostly because I agree with everything you said, Dallas.

That would be sad, though. I totally warmed up to her this season. :(

But I'd get over it.

Anonymous said...

Omg! I totally didnt think of jessica being the other vamp 2 b axed!! Ohh how sad... I heard another fan say, a possibility could be chow. I duno how? LOL! But she said it could work, because they could then work in lafayette, turn him as a vamp and he can replace chow at fangtasia. Or be the replacement for the bubba character. Whats every1 else think?
Eric and sookie in bed is most probably a dream. But it could also be a possiblity that eric senses her fantasing about him or something, and he hops in bed with her while bill is not there. Sookie thinks its bill and turns around and HELLO its eric. She gets pissed off kicks him out. She then tells bill. He gets pissed and rushes over to erics room to have a punch fest!!!(thats my wishful thinking though :)
I must look @ things differently becoz I dont think sookie looks uncomfortable at all!!! maybe I'm blind.

Sylvia said...

Dallas! Oh no! Jessica's death hadn't even crossed my mind but that's a very excellent point. With her maker gone what will she do?
I kind of assumed she might help fill in some of the gaps left by Bubba and go on a rescue mission with Sookie but her death a little more plausible after reading your reply.

Anonymous said...

IMO the two vamps that will get axed are Godric and Isabel (she has to be punished for Hugo).
And as far as Eric/Sookie in bed together, even if it is a dream, I'LL TAKE IT!! ;)

Rose said...

No idea who the 2 vamps will be, don't want to know, but I'm thinking that Jessica represents too good a contrast to Bill's upbringing to cut from the series. Maybe Sookie will be a step-mother to her. Jess could work at Merlotte's.

Rita said...

Dallas!I am not even going to think
about Eric and Sookie yet.But here is the vamps that could be the two,
Jessica-last 11,Nan Flanagan- 9,Godric is a yes in Ep.9, 8, 8,but Stan
is in book 7 so i would think he will

lafemmetopaz said...

I think the two vampires will be Godric and Stan or Isabelle.

I really hope Stan lives. I love the dynamic of a cowboy bad **s vampire. He's so Texas :)

The show needs to keep some constrast between the different vampire political ideals. It looks like Mr. Ball leaning towards having the prominent vampires showing compassion and sympathy for the humans. Totally taking away the "predator/prey" side of the vampire/human relationship.

" Dallas " said...

That could be, then I think maybe Jessica will be shipped off to Sophie Ann's retinue.

I just think she will be very very y unhappy ( with the inability to ever have pleasant sexual relations - FOR EVER ??) and I think we will see her having less and less control of her vampire tendencies.

I really like her character and she and Hoyt together but it seemed like they signed her death certificate when they created the very sad and painful rejuvenated virginity.

We also have not seen the FotS coming to claim her back - we think her Dad is in pretty tight with Newlin's and that will somehow play out -I think.

lafemmetopaz said...

Dallas... I agree with whole hymen growing/healing back issue is just demoralizing for her. Sexual frustration may turn her mad.

However, I'm wondering will AB use this for a possible sexual 'awakening' for Jessica, ie. possibly her exploring other sexual avenues. Same sex partners or the use of sex toys.

Sophie Anne is few hundred years old and apparently has a "taste" for women. And Pam, created in the victorian age. From what we've seen of Pam, she appears to be more into women too.

Also, it has not been discussed, I don't think vampires "have" to stay in a territory. I would think they can chose where they want to live. That would be very strange if a queen/king of a territory can order and command a vampire to stay in their territory or retinue. If so, that would lead to some serious future revolts/mutinies.

" Dallas " said...

Hey Lafemme

I think you right about the frustration.

That could be, but she seems to be a happy your hetero woman ( well she used to be ) but maybe she will explore other avenues.

Vampires can choose where they live but YOUR maker can always decide what you are going to do and with Jessica's age, inexperience and overall naivety Bill would be insane to let her wander far from his control and oversight.

Remembe, r that we even see the court case of a child being turned ( i think to save its life) in All Together Dead and the maker has control of the child and the human parents are suing to even see the young vamp...

So in the Sookie books we do have a couple of instances of under age 18 ( let's just say youths) being turned the other i can think of is in the short story 'Lucky' and Bill immediately takes the young man ( whose maker is dead) to Eric

But i think we are going to see the Hamby family and the FotS/ Newlin story play out and and Jessica may not survive that ...or they may need to hide her from them...

Sylvia said...

Wouldn't it be interesting if the Jessica's Family FotS line was what brought the Newlins to Club Dead?

" Dallas " said...

Now that would be cool- I know Ball said he and the writing team have already started S3.

Well maybe then Jessica would be kidnapped with Bill !

I don't think she will wander around as a free agent ...

Sharon said...

Since Lorena already kidnapped Bill in S2, I thought maybe they would not do the more serious kidnapping that takes place in Club Dead.

Are you sure that's Eric in the photo? That arm does not look big enough to be his. I'm happy he's in more this season as he is my favorite hottie vampire.

Sylvia said...

Oh it's Eric alright.
I'd put money on it.

Regarding season 3 and Bill's torture/captivity... It wasn't all Lorena. Yes, Lorena lured him there and tricked him but the Memphis vamps (and Weres) did a lot of the torturing as well. It would be a bit boring if we just watched Lorena and Bill struggling back and forth again but I don't think that will be the case. And boy won't it be interesting to see what they did to him that Sookie was unaware of.
I just love having different perspectives on the show!

" Dallas " said...

no one is sure of anything - we'll see Sunday night - I guess.

Heather do you mean the Jackson vampires ? Russell Edgington people ? We have two very different versions from RD about what he knew about Bills captivity.

There is a human and a vampire in Club Dead who are talking about torturing Bill and of course we know Debbie Pelt did join in

Sylvia said...

Yup, I meant the Jackson vamps.

I know we hear RE's side of things later and I wonder how involved his characater will be if/when any torture takes place.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she looks comfortable...more unaware of the situation. That's pretty gross the way Eric is going about trying to take Sookie from Bill. A very low down way of going about things.

Anonymous said...

Eric and Sookie!!! much more interesting and exciting than sookie and bill.