Friday, September 11, 2009

Alana Ball on Season 3 from TV Squad

I'm always prepared to be shocked and awed every episode, and I am. Can you tell us anything about season three?

Well, the book is out there, so I'm not giving anything away when I say that we'll meet the Vampire King of Mississippi, Russell Edgington. And we'll encounter werewolves for the first time in the flesh; we've heard about them, but we'll meet them. I'm very excited about the character of Debbie Pelt. She's bad news.

Since I haven't read the books, who is that?

Debbie Pelt is the ex-girlfriend of a guy who's helping Sookie try to find Bill, and she is just hard ass, white trash bitch on wheels. She's so much fun. But there are other great characters, too. Everybody is struggling with identity in season three – What am I? Who am I? What is my life? Is it what I want it to be? How do I make it what I want it to be? What are my real values? And some people are like, "Am I human? I always thought I was, but maybe I was wrong." In one particular case, its like, "Yes, honey, you were wrong."

Is that Sookie? Is she part faerie? Can you tell me that?

I can tell you that Sookie is not 100 percent human. She is now aware of that.

After the white-light thing with Maryann.

Yes. She doesn't know what she is, but she knows that it's not totally human.

And people just love the story line with Sam and Andy and Jason. They're like, "Oh, they need their own spin- off show. Just put them on the road." Are Sam and Andy related at all?

They are not related; however, Andy is related to somebody in the show. He doesn't know it, but he'll be shocked when he finds out who it is.

Andy seems to be immune to Maryann's spells. Can you tell us why?

I would say he's been immune up until this point.

Ok. And Godric, is he really dead?

He is really dead.

That was such a tender scene at the end of "I Will Rise Up" between Godric and Eric and Sookie.

Yes, I loved that scene. However, Godric and Eric have a thousand years of flashback territory to be mined.

People haven't really been liking the Maryann storyline. What's your reaction to that?

I'm baffled because I think she's a fantastic character and a fantastic actress. I also know a lot of people who really love her. I think people are impatient, you know what I mean? When her story pays off, it is really, really gratifying.

Will she be in season three?

Maryann is not going to be in season three.


Rita said...

Oh! season 3 is going to be so good

Unknown said...

Can't wait already, season 3 is going to be great!!
I can't wait to see Alcide and Debbie..and of course my favorites characters and yes!!! without Maryann although she was great and as an actress she is fantastic but her storyline I didn't enjoy at all.
Dallas,you are doing an amazing job!! I love your site and your radio show I listen it every Sunday, it's so much fun and at the same time I'm learning English as I'm not a native speaker, so you are like my teacher Thanks!

Selle Castaigneda said...

I wonder how literally one should take his comment about if the show followed the books exactly, one could pick up the book and know what will happen next in the show, and that he seems to want to avoid that. I wonder if it means this: they might start a storyline based on the same story in the book but will not enact it in the same way and may not end it in the same way. What do you all think, or am I splitting hairs?

ML said...

I was hoping that he would put books 3 and 4 together. I am sooo ready to see book 4 enacted on TrueBlood. I like how AB stays mostly true to Sookie's plot, but plays with the other story lines. It keeps me guessing about what is going to happen next.

" Dallas " said...

I think S3 might surpass S2 in overall story and special effects

The trips to Josephine's will be amazing as a well as the sookie /bill rescue scene

I don't think they can squeeze 3 and 4 together

I think we may see the Russel edgington story expanded like Maryanns was this year - the MS King's big house full of gay vamps and their human admires

How could Ball not love that ?

There are some real ambiguities in how much RE knows and is involved in the BC abduction in the books so AB has some room to play...

And seeing sookie with a non- vamp potential suitor will be GREAT.

" Dallas " said...

Thanks Rosa -this blitz of articles this past week has been killer because i read everyword to decide what I should post and all the actors are now releasing press releases about their next projects and you guys always like to keep up with them --so it has been a busy week.

I think we broke the record for number of posts yesterday -whew

I'm so glad you like the blog and the show -it's a lot of work but I enjoy it. I may have another year in me ;-)

We will also have a special announcement about the radio show sunday night too

Anonymous said...

This is such exciting stuff! Godric & Eric flashbacks would be great and I'm so excited to see Alcide, Debbie, and RE. I also love the themes of S3. A bit of introspection would do everyone a lot of good.

True Blood is just going to keep getting more and more fabulous, isn't it?