Thursday, May 28, 2009

True Blood Season 2 Cliffhangers: How does MaryAnn know Sam Merlotte ?

In Episode 12 of Season one MaryAnn comes to pick up Tara from Sookie's house, the night of the Rene attack. Sam looks very surprised and worried. She says "Did you think I wasn't go to find you ? You silly, silly dog !"

From the Episode 2.03: “Nothing But the Blood” description from HBO , we learn that in this episode "Sam (Sam Trammell) recalls a shape-shifting encounter he had with Maryann (Michelle Forbes) as a 17-year-old."In the "Taste of Blood " season 2 clips we see this meeting between MaryAnn and the 17 year old Sam.

We do know that where Sam says to her " go ahead and turn me" it looks as if Maryann can turn Sam into a dog at her whim. ( see photo above)


Selle Castaigneda said...

Regarding Sam telling Maryann, "go ahead and turn me", I think it might mean that Maryann can turn Sam into his animal form in such a way that he can't turn back to his human form. I derive this because of that scene with the two of them in Sam's office where suddenly he's a dog and she's telling him not to threaten her again. And the dog responds by blinking hard.

" Dallas " said...

excellent Jwhitney!
which one of the videos has the blinking ?