Saturday, November 29, 2008

Exclusive: FEARnet talks Vampires with 'True Blood's' Michelle Forbes!

Fri., Nov. 28, 2008 1:00 PM PST, by FEARnet

We recently spoke with Michelle Forbes, the actress who plays Maryann on HBO’s True Blood! The lovely vet of such shows as Star Trek: The Next Generation (what sci-fi fan can forget Ensign Ro?), 24 and Homicide – and such films as Kalifornia and Escape from LA – shared her thoughts on vamps, and the possibility of her re-appearing as Admiral Helena Cain on Battlestar Galactica. Read on for our interview!

Your character on True Blood isn’t necessarily a huge fan of vampires, are you?

I haven’t been, [but]… It’s interesting as I’m exploring this world. The big question is why are vampires so big? It really is this wonderful mythology that keeps creeping through everybody’s consciousness and people are just so attracted to vampires and the world of vampires. Now I am. I’m a big fan of vampires. I’m beginning to understand what the appeal is.

How do you think True Blood’s approach to vampires differs from the many other TV shows and films on the subject?

For me, being new to the realm of vampires, it’s a very unique voice. It’s very, very funny. It’s very dark, it’s very sweet, it’s sexy, it’s Southern, it’s a mystery. It’s got a little bit of everything. It’s a very unique voice and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.

Had you read the books?

Yeah, I started reading them. They really are fun, they’re definitely page turners.

You’re known for playing quite strong women, and your character on True Blood is pretty much in that vein.

She is, indeed. I have yet to see where it’s going to go. But when it starts off, yes, she really has her own strength. But I have to say, having done In Treatment, it was really nice to play a repressed woman, a housewife, with no self esteem. That was actually a great luxury and gift to me. It was really fantastic to play someone who was not leading everyone and knew what was best, it was nice to be a woman who was like every person, who, you know, doesn’t know all the answers. You’re in a muddle, and you make wrong decisions. And she was all sort of elbows and knee joints emotionally. It was great fun to play, because I normally play very smart, together people, which I’m not.

Any chance we may get to see Cain again somehow on Battlestar Gallactica, if only in flashbacks?

Well I would always be happy to revisit that cast. I have so much respect for Ron [Moore] and David [Eick]. I would always go back. I don’t know, I think that story’s been told. But I said that the first time and came back for a film [Razor], so I don’t know, but I do feel that story’s been told and there are so many stories to explore. I mean it’s one of my favorite shows I’ve ever done.

Have they spoken to you about working again?

We’ve had conversations, and there might be something down the line but these aren’t the right ones.

What’s your greatest fear?

Oh, where do I start? This is going to be a lame answer, but physical suffering. Having to watch physical suffering. I always want to turn away, but you have to be there to help. And I think my own physical suffering – broken bones, car accidents, that sort of thing.