Monday, January 12, 2009

True Blood Episode Seven : 'Burning House of Love ' recap from HBO site

I'm posting the episode recaps from the HBO site. I think we should have them in our archive; they are really long so I will also post them in their entirety as a word document to our scribd site. I think they are worth carefully re-examining for clues!

After Sookie experiences her two "firsts" with Bill in front of the fireplace at his house, she soaks in a hot bath, still giddy with the experience she's shared with the vampire sitting next to her. Comfortable in the moment, she takes the opportunity to tell Bill one of her deepest secrets: Her Uncle Bartlett molested her as a child. She's relieved to get it off her chest, though she doesn't notice the glare of violent revenge that creeps across Bill's features.

Jason drops in on Lafayette - interrupting the cook's work on a rapidly escalating video for his porn site - in hopes of picking up some more V. Lafayette recognizes Jason's sweat-drenched desperation as a liability and reminds him of the screw-ups he's already made. Lafayette tells him to leave, but Jason makes a run at the mini-fridge. Big mistake. Lafayette grabs him in a choke hold, applying enough pressure to make it very clear what he's capable of, before throwing Jason out of the house. He heads over to Sookie's, where she soon catches him rounding up Gran's most valuable possessions to hawk. Sookie strips him of most of it, but he manages to get away with a pair of silver candlesticks.

At Tara's house, Lettie Mae explains to her daughter that she needs $445 to pay a woman to remove the demon from her body. Flippant as ever, Tara suggests the demon get a job of its own, but when her mother spills the booze-spiked coffee she's drinking - and licks the mess off her own clothes while weeping that the demon has control of her - Tara seems less assured that her mother is just making more excuses. She heads over to Sam's place to try to smooth things over with him and finds the bar owner in a foul mood while he tries to fix up his dilapidated trailer. She offers a hand, understanding for the first time that the two of them both yearn for the same thing: A real home. But before they can settle into the moment, her cell phone rings with a call from the local bank. Lettie Mae has come in for money and thrown a fit when the loan officer wouldn't give her any. Tara arrives just in time to see her mother call the man a bigot, offer to sleep with him and then begin screaming about the demon inside her. Demon or not, Tara sees that her mother's suffering is real, so she agrees to pay a woman called Miss Jeanette to heal Lettie Mae.

Episode Seven ( S1) HBO Recap