Wednesday, January 21, 2009

True Blood Episode Ten : 'I don't want to know ' recap from HBO site

Sookie wakes up to find Sam at the foot of her bed - naked - and immediately starts kicking him. Convinced he's the murder after all, she flees to the bathroom, where a moment later, the familiar dog trots in ... then morphs into Sam. After Sookie gets over her astonishment, Sam explains that he's a shapeshifter and can transform into any animal he sees. At first she listens, interested, but as the depth of his lie dawns on her, she becomes angry and sends him away.

Tara, with Sam's $800 in her pocket, meets Miss Jeanette in the woods to have her demon exorcised. After drinking a vial of "snake juice" and rubbing the woman's spit across her face, Tara sees herself appear nearby as a young girl, but with black pupil-less eyes. Miss Jeanette tells her the demon can take any form and gives her a knife to stab the creature, which disappears when the blade touches it, leaving the knife covered in blood. Tara, overcome, falls to the ground weeping out of shock and relief.

In Jason's basement, Amy hooks an IV up to Eddie, who tells her he knows that she plans to kill him. Amy prefers not to accept moral judgment from a vampire, but when she finds the stash of Tru Blood that Jason has been feeding him, she realizes her relationship is at stake. Going upstairs, she tells Jason that she thinks they should be nicer to Eddie, treat him like a pet. The vampire could get Stockholm syndrome and maybe come to love them ...

At Merlotte's, Sam stands on a ladder to hang lanterns for Arlene's engagement party. As she corrects his work, his mind drifts back to his childhood, to the first time that he shifted forms - into the family dog - right in front of his adoptive parents. Terrified, he runs off into the night on all fours.

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Episode Ten ( S1) HBO Recap