Saturday, February 14, 2009

Take me home ( pie crying song ) by Lisbeth Scott and Nathan Bar

Are you still haunted by the scene after Gran's death where Sookie sits alone crying and eating Gran's Pecan pie ?

That song is by Lisbeth Scott and Nathan Barr

From the HBO series True Blood, this song is a gorgeous contemporary folk tune, which features haunting vocals and rich cello and guitar work.If you liked the music to "O Brother where Art Thou?", you'll love this.

Lisbeth Scott's uniquely moving and shiver-inducing voice has been heard on literally hundreds of films. Her new single, "Take Me Home" (original), written by Lisbeth and Nathan Barr, is featured on the October 12, 2008 episode of the critically-acclaimed HBO series, "True Blood."

The Pie Cry remix of the track is ONLY AVAILABLE on

The single was mixed by Adam Moseley for Accidental Muzik, Inc. In May of 2008, Kosmic Music released "The 10,000 Steps," Lisbeth's stunning collaboration with renowned percussionist Greg Ellis, as the artist biomusique, and it received massive airplay on New Age radio around the country. Lisbeth's vocals have graced the screen courtesy of Spielberg's "Munich," "The Passion of the Christ"and she was the featured vocalist and songwriter for the Disney films of the "Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe" and "Prince Caspian". Three of Lisbeth's solo albums, "Dove," Rough and Steep" and "Fair Skye" are also available as digital downloads on .

Lisbeth web page here:
Nathan's page and music here :

Gran's Pecan Pie recipe can be found here

Here is the scene


torig0910 said...

Nathan Barr is a spectacular composer. I had e-mailed his site asking about the possibility of a CD with not only the Trueblood music but also including his as well (specifically the Bill & Sookie Love Theme, the scene running to each other after Gran's funeral). I have the majority of the songs by downloading MP3's but there are still some unavailable. Nathan Barr actually e-mailed me back (or someone from his organization e-mailed me back) and told me there WILL BE a CD released right around the release of the TrueBlood Season 1 DVD & Book #9 in the Sookie Stackhouse Novels.

" Dallas " said...

Thanks torig for sharing that - No, I think that really was Nathan. You are not the first person who's told me they got a response directly from him...

I just think that's sooo nice of him

I look forward to the CD and will post the info on how to buy to the blog as soon as we hear more about it.

Thanks again, Torig !