Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Twilight' for men: All men are vampires

hmmm ...interesting from the Mormon Times , I didn't know Stephanie Meyer's was a Mormon. I'd love to hear your comments ...

It would be easy for a man to mock "Twilight" by Mormon author Stephenie Meyer. But the novel, which chronicles the swooning and ogling of teenager Bella for her vampire boyfriend Edward, should be required reading for all men.

True, a man might find himself screaming at Edward: "Bite her! Just bite her already!"

True, he might fling the book against the wall a few times in frustration -- especially when (spoiler alert!) the final great vampire showdown takes place while the first-person narrator is unconscious, which means there is no action description of what would have been the best part of the book: vampires fighting vampires.



Anonymous said...

I knew she was a Mormon.

Her frightening story of male stalking (Edward spends every night watching her sleep and she doesn’t even know!!) and female subservience is a reflection of her beliefs.

Meyer went to a strict Mormon university, where there are bizarre dress codes and where men and women are taught all about the gender roles expected of Mormon people.

Twilight is a dangerous story (visit a site like twilightsucks.com for some detailed breakdowns of why the series is worrying for teenagers). It is full of sexual assault (Jacob assaults Bella), physical and emotional abuse (Edward abuses Bella, dragging her to her car, restraining her, taking her hostage and punishing and rewarding her based on what her thinks she should do), paedophilia (Renesmee and Jacob, amongst others).

Bella is the world's most obvious author self-insert. She exhibits all of Meyer’s prejudices, from hating blondes to hating any young women who dress well and attract attention. Every single male in the story is hopelessly attracted or devoted to Bella/Stephenie just because she's so 'perfect'.

And apart from all of that, the writing is just plain horrendous - like the fan fiction that comes from a twelve year old who's been abusing the thesaurus.

But the Meyer's sheltered Mormon lifestyle and anti-feminist attitudes (Bella spends the whole series cooking and cleaning for men, and doesn't seem to have a problem with being ordered around by any of them)is a reflection of her sexist and oppressive 'faith'.

" Dallas " said...

Thanks anony..I have never read any of the books and know nothing of their author. Thanks for sharing your opinions ...

Anonymous said...

I'm Mormon and I find your comments very rude and ignorant ! I respect Stephenie Meyer and her work and honestly your comments are ridiculous and funny at the same time because Stephenie's intentions were to read and have fun stop looking into it so much there BOOKS !
Maybe you should do your own research about Mormons and not bash them because your ideals are different ! Not everything you see on T.V or hear are true !

Anonymous said...

I'm so mad that your making false accusations on Mormons and Stephenie for her beliefs which by the way is false. Honestly what do you guys have against the Twilight series and Stephenie Meyer ? Everytime I go on a Sookie Stackhouse site your bashing her and her books ! First comment you really need to do your homework and Stephenie isn't anything like Bella but you know what you wouldn't know would you ?
The Twilight books are a wonderful series that take you out of our world for a couple of hours and I appreciate that !

" Dallas " said...

It is always tricky ground when you talk about anyone's religion. I have not read the books, KNOW NOTHING about Ms Meyer's background, I only have posted an article i found interesting where men are compared to vampires.

I'm not sure what Sookie site you go to, and I'm sorry there is any bashing. We should be able to express our opinions with out rudeness, being hurtful or bashing.

I really don't post anything about the Twilight books on my blog and have not been in any discussions about them (for above mentioned reasons) and mostly what I've heard are compliments from fans..so, I guess I didn't really know there were many people who didn't like them.

Thank you Anony2 and Anony3 for your expressing your opinions and giving us further insight.

We are really supposed to be addressing what was written about men being vampires by Michael De Groote in the Mormon Times article rather than rehashing anony1's opinions, anyone want to comment on the original article?

I thought it would be interesting to discuss that's why I posted it... NOT as an open door to bash Twilight, Ms Meyer or LDS.