Saturday, May 30, 2009

Quinn in 'Dead and Gone'

I have very strong opinions about the Quinn's appearance in Dead and Gone ( and as you guys know I am not a "shipper" ( someone who wants a relationship) for any of the characters to have a permanent relationship with Sookie.

But I thought this was an interesting tidbit from Charlaine this week on her blog...


Quinn has his own set of problems and his own emotional scars. He's used to solving his problems with his fists, not with finesse. Though closely watched, he could have called Sookie, but he's not a man who's reliant on words only, and kept thinking he'd rather tell her face to face and then things would be all right. Charlaine Harris


Anonymous said...

You know what? As much as I LOVE Eric – and even Bill and the rest – I would love to see Sookie end up with Quinn.
When it comes down to it, any relationship she has with a vampire isn’t going to last forever. She does not want to become a vampire, and anyway, Sookie has always fought to maintain her humanity.
Quinn has his own problems, but he respects and cares for Sookie, and he is real. He is a supernatural creature, but first and foremost he is a great guy who has a distinctive personality, and who may not always be perfect, but who has shown time and time again that he is willing to be there for her.
I have always thought Sookie should find a warm, regular, relatively human man – after all, she longed for that from the start. I had high hopes for Alcide – and even now I am interested to see his character develop further – but he proved to be not so great underneath the appealing exterior.
I love the vampires very much – and certainly appreciated Eric HUGELY in the latest book – but in the long run I want to see more things happening with Quinn.

(Forgive me for not logging in – it’s after 4am here and I really need to get this down and go to bed!!)

" Dallas " said...

thanks even if you don't login in, sign your post so we know who we are talking to

i love the vampires too, both of them. I'm not any more certain that Sookie is that she has found what is right for her yet. Quinn is a great character and I'm glad CH is thinking and writing more about him..

Fairiesteed said...

Quinn sure has his own set of problems - won't pick up a phone to mention that trouble is coming Sookie's way, won't pick up a phone to say 'hey can we talk?'. He was willing to stand by and watch the takeover and I'm not sure that he cared if Sookie got hurt in it; his only action in the house was to stand by his sister, not Sookie. He also went off the deep end a little quickly in book 10; Bill just told him that scaring Sookie was not going to happen and Quinn was already changing to fight - It didn't make sense. He came to say why everyone else was wrong for Sookie, not why he was right. I started the series in the middle and used to like Quinn, but now...not so much. Great character though, he does make me think!

Ana said...

Wow B, great insight!!

I didn't like him from the beginning. I really tried to, because there is a reason why CH put him in the books, but... I couldn't. The more he appeared, the more I could see he's not the right one for Sookie (IMO).

It's nice to know more about him though. He's hurt and I will like to see him being happy...

Anonymous said...

I never really liked Quinn for Sookie. I thought when he was licking the blood off her leg at the Packmaster tournement, that it was creepy, especially since it was the first time they met.
I don't see why he couldn't have contacted her somehow after Rhodes--I am sure that she was quite hurt by him having sex with her and then not calling or sending a note. He even sent someone to pick up his sister's car, from her house while she was at work, almost like it was planned that she wasn't home. At least whoever picked up the car could have left a note,letting Sookie know that Quinn was okay and thinking of her.
I thought he acted like a real jerk, when he came to her house at night in DAG, bashing all the other men she knows and then throwing Bill into her, this shows that he has no control of his temper. If he really cared about Sookie not getting hurt, he could have thrown Bill in another direction. At the least, it shows he was more interested in his own feelings then in Sookie's welfare.
Sorry, I don't mean to offend any Quinn Lovers, JMHO. I would prefer seeing Sookie with Sam, rather than Quinn, even though I am an EL.
I signed in as anonymous, since I can't seem to get my google password to work, but this is KathyD.

" Dallas " said...

I don't think I'd call myself a Quinn lover but I don't agree and I'm glad Charlaine is thinking about why Quinn didn't call and that he thought (even though he was being closely watched) that seeing her in person and talking to her face to face was more important

I think he risked his life to warn her that the vamp are keeping her from seeing anyone they don't want to let her see ...

She knows it and although she isn't sure she'd ever be interested in dating him again she doesn't think Eric should decide who she sees or talks to ..

That didn’t mean I never wanted to see him again. (Or did it?) It sure didn’t mean that Eric could dictate to me who I saw and who I didn’t.
And maybe I was angry with myself, because when I’d had the chance to confront Eric about all kinds
of stuff, I’d gone all goopy and listened to his reminiscences

Lady Jane said...

I think Quinn has got so much on his plate its hard for him to be there for Sookie, and I think he is a cutie but he just needs to be more consistent. I think they both could have something together but I feel that it would take a lot of work, and that Quinn might cause a lot of problems between Sookie and the Vamps if they really got together long term. But it would be a relationship that they both could manage as they would both live about the same amount of time together, unlike Sookie and a Vamp.

I like Quinn and then I don't.

Amelia (aka Miz. Zoom) said...

I am a Quinn lover. Have been from the moment he was introduced. He is a better fit for Sookie. And how did he betray her? He tried to keep her out of the mess his mom had gotten him in, so he didn't contact her. Eric led the vamps all to her house. And yes, she does expect more out of Quinn than she does of the vamps. She just rolls over for them, but a man that actually gives a damn, she kicks him to the curb because he's a good son and brother. Wow...are we as women that messed up?

Dinha Cath said...

I am a Quinn lover. Have been from the moment he was introduced.*-* and alcide!!