Sunday, May 31, 2009

True Blood BloodCopy : Just Say No

Monday night as I was kicking back in the nest watching the latest Real Nest (it's like Real World, but with vampires), happily watching Carlos be a total prick to his nestmates,

a disturbing ad (see video at left) popped up, nestled between a GEICO commercial and a cute spot for Mini Cooper.

Apparently, a new PSA campaign featuring real-life broken-down bloodheads bemoaning their status as V addicts has begun. The ads are a course in grittiness, and (I hope) a wake-up call to all of you who think that trying just one drop of vampire blood is a harmless endeavor.

V is no joke, people. It's our blood and it should stay in our bodies. I know, I know, we feed on your blood (or at least want to), but some things in life aren't fair.
