Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some more juicy tidbits about True Blood Season 2

Question: Please give us fang bangers some True Blood scoop. I cannot wait for season 2. Will some of it take place in Dallas like the second book did? --Jessie
Yep. In the new season's fourth episode, Sookie, Bill, and their adoptive vamp Jessica (played by the awesome Deborah Ann Woll) wing it to Dallas, but there's a surprise waiting for them at the airport. Later in the episode, an even bigger shock awaits Sookie when a, ahem, special visitor drops by her hotel room.

Question: Not that I don't appreciate the awesome True Blood scoop we got last week, it's just that I need, really need, scoop on Sookie/Eric. Is anything gonna happen between them? --Sofia
Something happens in the first four episodes that may lead one to believe Eric has eyes for someone else (hint: it's a dude!). But maybe I'm reading too much into it.


Jasperann said...

On the second one...regarding Eric and another guy. Maybe it is part of his cover for being in Dallas? Stan is gay right? It would be an easy way into the is also something Eric would do. =)

" Dallas " said...

I like that idea ..
Yes, that's exactly something Eric would do

Jasperann said...

Dallas, I'm in love with that It's keeping me going. You know once upon a time my name was blue...what is different?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Stan was gay... that was Russell from Jackson. But Farrell (the actual abductee in the book) was gay. Don't know if they'll be going that route here or not.

Despite my other theories, this spoiler now has me thinking that maybe it IS with reference to Eric's maker. (Strange, though, since I didn't think Charlaine had been consulting with anyone as to the direction of the show... and DaG didn't come out until AFTER these episodes were written.)

If that is the case, I'll be interested in seeing how Alan Ball plays it off. If GODRIC ends up being Eric's maker (and from what we've seen, it appears that HE'S the one abducted in the show) that could create a rather pervy vibe. He's SOOO young looking! Of course, it worked for the Greeks... ;)

Either way, I'm really intrigued now... the way Ausiello puts it, this will be a read-between-the-lines type of scenario.

" Dallas " said...

ohh i love that idea too
You are right it's Farrel not Stan in the books..and yes they are changing it to Godric being the Sheriff and being the ones that has been abducted

madargentinian said...

Dallas, are they really changing it so Stan is not the Sheriff and Godric is? WOW that is major! Eric gay... may be bi but not just gay.

" Dallas " said...

Yes i think Godric is the sheriff who goes missing and Stan is his 2nd

I've been kind of ignoring the change but i think thats it
click on season 2 "casting call "

EIBBED said...

All of you guyzzz ideas are really good. I can't wait till we start seeing the episodes to kill the suspense

Anonymous said...

Jasperann, you do have a good idea there.
Either way, I hope it leads to naked Alex/Eric this season!!
Its his turn now! :)

Anonymous said...

If chow and Eric get together im going to be so pissed off >_>