Monday, June 8, 2009

True Blood BloodCopy: More Schlock for your Jock

A new schlock-peddler has appeared on the infomercial scene. This one's trying to sell you a pill that will give you vampire "powers" (read: sexual prowess) without the side-effects of crisping in sunlight or getting severe lacerations from a silver bracelet.

Something tells us the V-Longate Dude came straight from a continuing-ed improv class, not from between the legs of his hot girlfriend. But these snake-oil peddler sorts, besides being the shiftiest characters to ever ooze across the earth, have proven that they can lead some pretty intense behind-the-infomercial lives. Exhibit A: the ShamWow Guy debacle from a couple of months ago. (Note: isn't it curious how the act that propagated the whole bloody mess was a bite on the tongue? Looks like ShamWow Guy got a little more than he bargained for his first time fangbanging. It happens.)