Thursday, June 25, 2009

True Blood behind the scenes: Marcia de Rousse as Dr Ludwig in Episode 3

We meet Dr Ludwig in Living Dead in Dallas,,,

Pam came in then, with the doctor. If I had hoped Eric meant a regular doctor, like a stethoscope and tongue depressor kind of person, I was once again doomed to disappointment. This doctor was a dwarf, who hardly had to bend over to look me in the eyes.Bill hovered, vibrating with tension, while the small woman examined my wounds. She was wearing a pair of white pants and a tunic, just like doctors at the hospital; well, just like doctors used to, before they started wearing that green color, or blue, or whatever crazy print came their way. Her face was full of her nose, and her skin was olive. Her hair was golden brown and coarse, incredibly thick and wavy. She wore it clipped fairly short. She put me in mind of a
hobbit. Maybe shewas a hobbit. My understanding of reality had taken several raps to the head in the past few months.
"What kind of doctor are you?" I asked, though it took some time for me to collect myself enough."The healing kind," she said in a surprisingly deep voice. "You have been poisoned."...
Again, a sense of movement in the room. Dr. Ludwig bent forward and began licking my back. I
"She's the doctor, Sookie," Bill said. "She will heal you this way."

IMDb for Marcia de Rousse
Gender: Female
Height: 4 feet 4 in
Weight: 80
Age Range: 40 - 90
Physique: Slim
Hair Color: Blond(e)
Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Eyes: Green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Voice Type: Alto
Unique Traits: Little Person

Please tell Marcia hello on Twitter here @smartlilblonde

Marcia at 8:20