Friday, September 11, 2009

Go Ask Dallas: In that creepy kitchen sink what's the man in the sink holding ?

Hey Dallas,

I love my "daily Dallas"! Okay here is a question.

In the last episode when Sookie walked into her kitchen after that uncomfortable scene with Jane Bodehouse, there was a man in her sink and he was playing with something..not sure what but i had some weird ideas. What the hell was that?

thanks Dallas!

Hey flgirl,

I have to credit this answer to my friend and Blogtalk radio co- host the Twitter Sookie, @SookieBonTemps. On last week's show, she said that the man in the sink is playing with entrails and that they hanen't been able to tell if it's supposed to be human or animal. Yuck, but it was the best scary scene in all Season 2!

See for yourself....


Layne said...

All the professional cooks agree, no kitchen is complete without a man sitting in the sink playing with guts.
I have a red head on back order. He will match my granite counter tops.

flgirl said...

Dallas and Sookie,

You too Rock! Thanks, yeah it was either that or a disconnected "manly part" ick!

Thanks again!

" Dallas " said...

Ha ! Layne you made me spew my iced tea !

amo caballos said...

Being an RN, I immediately knew the man in the sink was holding intestines - and since it was just after Jane cutting off her finger, I thought they were probably HIS OWN!