Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vampires Are Hot Hollywood Property To The Tune Of Nearly $800 Million

from Access Hollywood

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
According to legend, vampires may be elusive creatures, but in Hollywood those fangtastic bloodsuckers are the new mainstream.

According to a new report on The Daily Beast, Vampire franchises are hot to the tune of nearly $800 million a year.

The Web site reported on Friday that the “Twilight” franchise, which just opened its latest installment, “New Moon,” is worth a fat $500 million a year at the movies.

HBO’s “True Blood,” based on Charlaine Harris’ “Sookie Stackhouse” books, is the most successful series on the network since “The Sopranos,” and the Daily Beast estimates it brings in a likely $50 million a year. The CW’s new hit show “The Vampire Diaries,” is estimated to take in $20 million.

And as the shows and movies continue to gain strength, book sales are boosted as well.

Between “Twilight” author Stephenie Meyer, Harris and a number of additional popular franchises such as “The Vampire Academy” and “Vampire Hunter,” the Daily Beast estimates the publishing industry adds in another $100 million.

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