Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dying for True Blood news...

From Ask Ausiello

Question: I’m literally dying
for True Blood news. Please save me from dying a slow, painful death. —Demi

Ausiello: Your life-saving scoop has arrived! It’ll take three villains to replace last season’s one Big Bad, Maryann. “We have a triumvirate of evil this season,” reveals exec producer Alan Ball. “I’m talking about Franklin Mott, Russell Edgington, and Debbie Pelt. They are all bad to the bone. They’re not just crazy, they’re evil.” Speaking of the yet-to-be-cast Debbie Pelt, Ball tells me that the Alcide’s psycho ex will actually have a bigger role than first thought. “We actually beefed up Debbie,” he says. “She’s going to be in more episodes, so maybe that will have an impact on [what actress] we can get for her, which is a big question right now.”

Question: Loved the pic you snapped of Alex Skarsgard at the Golden Globes. Did you by any chance get any True Blood scoop out of him? —Jessie
No, I just took the picture and ran off. Of course I got some scoop out of him. Specifically, I asked him to give me a preview of Eric’s season 3 journey. “I’d say it’s about revenge,” he told me. “He will continue to explore the whole Sookie thing and what that’s all about. He’s trying to figure out what’s different about her. He’s intrigued by that. And in addition to that, there’s something that happened a thousand years ago that he’s still carrying in his heart. All I’ll say is he’s trying to avenge someone.”

read on


Rita said...

Sounds like it will be very interesting.

Sharon said...

I think he's going for a "cast of thousands".

And only one of those characters was evil in the books. What happened to the evil Mickey?

It'll be interesting to see who plays Debbie Pelt.

Rita said...

Sharon Mickey is not till the 5th.
book,but there are so many books to
do and i don't think the show will make it to 13 books,i think that AB
will combine some of them,but maybe
Mickey will come in at the end of the
4th. season.I can't wait to see who
will be Debbie Pelt,Rose MCCowen i
think that is how you spell her last
name,i think she would make a good

Sharon said...

You are right about Mickey. It's just that he was the evil one, not Franklin Mott. Oh, well.

I think Rose McCowen (or whatever) is too pretty. I'm thinking Debbie Pelt has a more fox-like face. Kind of sharper and harder. Tea Leone comes to mind, but she may be too old. Actually, Rose may be too old.

Rita said...

Well i looked up each one Rose is 37
and Tea is 44 but you are right Rose
is not sharper and harder enough i
don't right now will have to think
some more.