Monday, February 8, 2010

Sucking the Quileute Dry

Interesting article about the real-life situation of the Quileute Nation of fictional vampire book fame.
ALL the world, it seems, has been bitten by “Twilight.” Conservative estimates place revenue generated from Stephenie Meyer’s vampire chronicles — the books, movies and merchandise — in the billion-dollar range. Scarcely mentioned, however, is the effect that “Twilight” has had on the tiny Quileute Nation, situated on a postage stamp of a reservation, just one square mile, in remote La Push, Wash.

Read on NY Times


Rita said...

This is something that a lot of
people are not aware of the Cherokee
are a very large tribe that have
their own customs and laws that are just as the small nation of Quileute,
every tribe great or small deserve
the same respect.I have two grown
children who are half Cherokee and i
have taught them to respect their
culture and to respect their elders
when they visit.Because you would
not want them not to respect yours.
Wheather they are rich or poor they
deserve respect and honor.