Monday, November 24, 2008

True Blood: Who's In for Season 2?

Monday, November 24, 2008

True BloodTrue Blood season 2 is a few months away, with only the vague promise of “summer” as an air date. However, after the spectacular season 1 finale, True Blood fans are starting to get a good look at what season 2 might look like.

After resolving the serial killer storyline, True Blood offered a bit of a prequel to season 2. We already know who some of the major players will be, as the show announced several actors in minor roles who will be promoted to the main cast, and based on the final scene and the True Blood book series, we might also have an idea about who's out.

WARNING: Spoilers Below!

Though the well-groomed foot that fell out of Andy Bellefleur's car resembled that of a woman, fans are quite sure that the dead body actually belonged to Lafayette. After being attacked by someone (or something) while taking out the trash, Lafayette vanished. Aside from the painted toenails (something Lafayette has been seen doing all season), the biggest clue could be the fact that True Blood is a book series, and while creator Alan Ball has taken some liberties with the story, it's worth noting that Lafayette sadly gets killed off at the start of the second book.

Does this mean Nelsan Ellis is gone from the cast of True Blood for season 2? Possibly, though since this is a show about vampires, he could very easily be brought back. While that's not how happens in the books, Alan Ball has created enough goodwill among fans and non-fans alike during this first season that the hardcore book series devotees might be willing to overlook a serious change like that.

Just as interesting as the fate of Lafayette in season 2 is the four new series regulars. Last month HBO announced that Todd Lowe, Michelle Forbes, Deborah Ann Woll and Mehcad Brooks would be joining the cast of True Blood as series regulars.

Lowe plays Terry, the very odd PTSD son of Andy Bellefleur. If the season finale was any indication, we'll be starting up a relationship with Arlene, but there has to be more to the character. He was fairly ominous in the season finale, talking about how everyone should listen to him because he knows things.

The other odd duck is Maryann, the mysterious “social worker” who has taken Tara in and has eerie communications with pigs. According to the books, she is a maenad, a character in Greek mythology who worships the god of wine and acts like a wild, insane woman. This certainly bodes poorly for Tara.

Another future series regular is Mehcad Brooks, who was introduced in the finale as “Eggs” Benedict, another ward of Maryann. It looks like Tara had Jason and Sam out of her system and is ready to move on to another man, but if he's connected or in cahoots with Maryann, it could become a problem.

The final series regular, and possibly my favorite, plays Jessica, Bill's whiny, annoying vampire. In the penultimate episode, her joy regarding the freedom to curse and kill people as a vampire was possibly the funniest moment of the season, and while her prattling might get annoying, I'm more than willing to give it a chance.

True Blood season 2 will air this summer on HBO.

** there is a mistake in this article, Terry is not Andy Bellefluer's son he is of course his cousin ( 2nd)


Anonymous said...

I thought Terry was Andy's cousin????

" Dallas " said...

You are sooo right ..very good
they are actually second cousins!