Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When Season 2 Arrives, Which Side Will You Be On?

American Vampire League or the Fellowship of the Sun ?

When I saw the topic line of the email "When Season 2 Arrives, Which Side Will You Be On? " I thought they meant Team Bill or Team Eric ?

Who in their right mind would be caught dead in a FotS t-shirt ? ( pun intended !) Even if you thought it was funny, the first vampire you saw sure wouldn't think so ;)

Really ? I still think the geniuses at the HBO Store would sell more Eric t-shirts - don't ya think, huh ?

* Dallas sighs *


Keyse said...

i thought the same thing, they clearly have not read the books...

Anonymous said...

Yes. They should make "Team Bill" and "Team Eric" shirts. I would also enjoy anti-Twilight shirts that say things like "Real vampires don't sparkle" and "move over, Edward Cullen."

RFlatstone said...

Devon, where have I heard these comments before? ;) How about:

True Blood; All Fangs and No Glitter!

Then again, pooh T-shirts! I want them to market bottles of True Blood! Hey, marketing, can we say "duh"?!

Anonymous said...

Those are not attractive shirts ! Sorry I would not be dead caught wearing that ! Come on HBO is that all you can do ?
I love the Twilight shirts I find then very approriate for that fanbase and honestly I don't think you want to mess with that fanbase they might just bite us back haha

Anonymous said...

Oh come on let's not hate on the Twilight fans. They would probably laugh if we were to do those t-shirts Move over Edward Cullen ? I don't think he's going anywhere even though I love Bill but Edward doesn't seem like he's going anywhere and trust me those Twilighters will find something to get us back. Let's not start anything !

Anonymous said...

Twilight = for ditzy tweens.

True Blood = for people who realise vampires don't belong in Disneyland.

Those shirts really are pretty stupid - I thought so when I got the email. Who in their right mind would buy a Fellowship of the Sun t-shirt?!

TeamEricSookie said...

Whenever I'm unhappy about HBO's latest True Blood shirts up for sale, I send them a note. Here's the link to contacting them:

I already asked for the "I Heart Eric Northman" and "Team Eric" shirts. I'm hoping after Season 2 there will be much more Viking vamp merchandise for sale.


" Dallas " said...

Thanks TES it's not even just Team Eric as much as it is just good business acumen!

I just don't get it ...

And do they not get the FotS are REALLY REALLY bad guys - they are viscous murders that make the vamps look tame.
They are just NOT anyone who you would be on a Team with ....

RFlatstone said...

I could see some fan of the whole "Vampire Slayer" genre being into the FofS. In marketing, I say introduce a shotgun of merchandise and then focus on whatever turns out to be popular.

I still want my TruBlood energy drink!

" Dallas " said...

yeah but flat newlin was perfectly happy to let Sookie and Hugo (not vamps) be raped and murdered ...

RFlatstone said...

Ms. Dallas, I'm not saying that I would be a member of the FotS, but I can see, form a fanboy POV how someone could sport a FotS shirt. It's like the Star Wars group, The 501 Legion - who all dress in Stormtrooper armor or Imperial uniforms. Sometimes people are just fans of the bad guys.

" Dallas " said...

No, I know Flat ...but sometimes the bad guys have charismatic leaders, have some higher (even if misguided) purpose, they have some redeeming side to them.

I think Charlaine (not TB) has written FotS so they are completely BAD and never anyone you would be "on the side of " as per the original email.

RFlatstone said...

Gotcha. Yes, in the books, FotS is just "the baddies." In fact, I just finished ATD (OMG!) and even with this huge event, the FotS was essentially faceless. That makes sense, told in frist person as it is. You know Sookie and everyone else you know only through her eyes.

OTOH, TB takes background characters and gives them depth. Part of me is hoping that Arlene gets some sort of character development to explain why she goes the way she does and not just that she is a bigot. They could so build off of the effects of what happened with Rene and grow something deep.
You're right; nobody would be joining the 501st today if there hadn't been a Darth Vader.