Wednesday, May 6, 2009

True Blood and Japanese Goth inspred fashion: Good Mourning

I like to read about trends -so we have more about fashion trends inspired by books and TV

....Indeed. Goth has been around for decades, having spun out of the punk movement in the Seventies and reaching a high in the Nineties with Marilyn Manson and movies such as “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” and “Interview with the Vampire.” But that macabre vibe is gaining traction once again, and not just in fashion circles. Nobody needs to point out the phenomenal success of Stephenie Meyer’s vampire-themed “Twilight” series — the film based on the first book grossed $35.7 million on its opening day last November, with the sequel out later this year. Or HBO’s “True Blood,” which gave actress Anna Paquin her first Golden Globe for her turn as Sookie Stackhouse, the undead-loving waitress. (Fan alert: Season two premieres June 14.) And 2010 sees no dip in popularity for the morbidly inclined, even for the PG set. That’s when Emily the Strange, the cartoon poster child for grim types, is slated to get the big-screen treatment.

Read whole article ..... HERE

Emily the Strange HERE