Wednesday, May 20, 2009

True Blood Blood Copy : Vampires everywhere and a new perspective


May 20th, 2009

So here’s a question for you, dear readers: what do you think of when you hear the word “Vampire”? Do you think about sex and V and vampire clubs and music with pounding bass lines? Really??? Vampires have been around for thousands of years and you think all we’re good for is putting on a good rave?

Clearly your parents haven’t taught you the evils of stereotyping. With all that vampires have to offer you, all the effort we’re putting into this relationship, why do you keep slapping labels on us? No, we don’t all wear capes. No, we don’t all crave the blood of innocents. No, we don’t all wield whips. No, we don’t all ravish your women and oh by the way, we can see ourselves in mirrors. We’re trying, here. We’re reaching out to you. You may not want to shake our hands, but at least put down the stakes when we offer them.


May 20th, 2009

Not to get too big a head, but it appears that BloodCopy is getting some attention.

I’ve just gotten a copy of the latest episode of THE PERSPECTIVE, hosted by Victoria Davis, and not only is she joining the growing vampire bandwagon by sharing video tidbits featuring we of the pale skin, but she even offers a direct shout out to yours truly (okay, to the site he runs… but close enough).

For those who perhaps haven’t seen our earlier posts on a vampire busker, pissed off Goth bar owner, ATM Withdrawal gone awry, or clips from the latest episode of the L.E.S. , this show does a wonderful job of presenting and contextualizing said videos in an entertaining and tidy news segment. And for those who have seen them… let’s just say nothing’s lost in a repeat viewing, especially with added commentary by the unparalleled Ms. Davis.

Seeing this truly brings a smile to my fanged face, and only further justifies the decision made by some very smart people to bring Bloodcopy — ah, wait I almost gave it away again, didn’t I? No worries, I’ll spill that secret soon enough.