Monday, June 22, 2009

Sign up to attend the Fellowship of the Sun institute

The Real Path To Eternal Life
One of the most difficult truths for humans to accept is that our time in this world is limited. We can only experience so many eras, seasons and sunrises in the time we are given. But vampires, in their endless role of seduction and temptation, are preying on this constraint, offering us "immortality" — as if existing hollowly for eons were any alternative to a real, purpose-driven human life. In todaays Reflection of Light, we'll talk more about vampires' "turning" of humans and the real path that God offers to eternal life.


Amber Lynne said...

Haha, this made me laugh so hard :D
Ah, I love trueblood, and most my friend do too, even tho I'm just 14. I would LOVE it if HBO would leave a lil LESS of the sex out tho, but it isnt like I havnt had the sex talk since I was seven. Anyways I love the show its great, the book to me tho are much better. The only thing I hate about True Blood is they make Sookie seem so DUMB just like a ture dumb blood, however in the book shes so SMART! It makes me upset to see the way she act so dumb in the tv show. Also I love this blogg! Great job.
<3 Amber.

Anonymous said...

The term 'dumb blonde' is deeply offensive to me - there's no 'dumb brunette'. There's no insult for people of a particular skin colour or weight being dumb, or anything like that.

But they do make Sookie look stupid most of the time in the show.

In the HBO season two preview thing they did with Alan Ball talking, he said Tara's the smartest person in town and always reading. It's supposed to be Sookie who’s smart and always reading. They’ve taken away every aspect of Sookie’s personality and replaced it all with one stereotype after another.

I love True Blood, but Alan Ball seems to have been reading a completely different book series to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I sort of agree with the other commenters. Though I'm aware it's off topic and doesn't really relate to the FoS website...

TB's Sookie character really annoys me. She does seem a bit dim as far as immaturity goes. She's supposed to be really smart and not just because of her telepathy. I feel the show makes it seem like her ability is the only reason she's ahead of everyone, when that's only part of it...

I don't mind at all that the series strays so much from the book, because I DO love the series...this is the main gripe I have. In the books I LOVE Sookie, in TB, not at all.
